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Counseling Services

"I like to keep children busy and occupied and make counseling fun, not scary. We take traditional board games and give them kind of a therapeutic twist. Therapy candy land is a big hit at our center. Our candy land is standard, except each color represents a different feeling. Whatever color landed on is the feeling we'll talk about that round. Another game we play is Jenga, but our Jenga has particular questions on it, so when you pull out a block, there's a question that goes along with it, and it facilitates a dialogue between the therapist and the child." Jaci Burgess, Director

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Our counselors are certified, licensed, and specially trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seeks to help children and parents learn new skills to process thoughts and feelings related to traumatic life events. TF-CBT manages and resolves distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to the trauma and enhances safety, growth, parenting skills, and family communication. TF-CBT is typically 12 to 16 sessions but can be shorter or longer depending on the child’s specific needs. Sessions are usually held weekly or biweekly for about 30 minutes to an hour. 

Girl Blowing Bubbles

Body Safety

Our agency offers educational body safety sessions and safety sessions for internet usage, a preventative service for any child interviewed at our center. Our counselors work with the child in a fun and interactive manner to educate them on keeping their bodies safe. Body safety usually consists of 6-8 short sessions for children to learn about the types of child abuse, what to do if a person hurts them, and the rules to keep themselves safe. During these sessions, the therapist will use educational children's books from The Children's Hospital of Birmingham's Intervention and Prevention Services (CHIPS). 

Image by MI PHAM
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